What happens when I first come to the Edinburgh Osteopathic Surgery?
When you first see one of our osteopaths the first part of your consultation involves your osteopath asking details about your story and recording them, and it is your chance to tell us why you are attending.
Next, there will probably be an examination when you may be asked to remove some items of clothing. It is important that you feel comfortable and at ease, and you may prefer to wear or to change into shorts or leggings and a T shirt or vest.
If your osteopath decides that osteopathic treatment is appropriate you can be treated on your first visit. As well as providing treatment, your osteopath will explain your pain and will usually provide specific advice and exercises to help you in your recovery and to help prevent future recurrences of your problem.
Osteopathy typically involves some ‘hands-on’ techniques which may consist of specific movement and stretching of joints, as well as deep work on muscles and other soft tissues depending on what is required. The treatment is always tailored to suit the individual and is adapted to be as comfortable as possible for you.
We are happy for you to bring along a friend or relative to act as a chaperone if you wish.
Many problems require more than one visit so you may be advised to return for further treatments.
If after the assessment your osteopath decides that a different treatment approach is required or that more information is needed first, rather than treat you on the first visit they will advise you accordingly or refer you to the most appropriate source of help.
Many patients who have been successfully treated for painful conditions find they benefit from checks every few months or so - a kind of 'human MOT'. If you suffer from occasional discomfort consider seeing us for the benefit of your longer term comfort and reassurance.