Edinburgh Osteopathic Surgery

How can we help you?

187 Dalkeith Road Edinburgh EH16 5DS To book online click on ‘Appointments’


Surgery Hours

Mon: 09:00 -19:00

Tue: 09:00 -19:00

Wed: 09:00 -19:00

Thu: 09:00 -19:00

Fri: 09:00 -19:00

Sat: 09:00 -14:00

Contact Us

tel: 0131 667 1234
e: info@osteos.co.uk


What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment designed to provide relief for the body's structural, muscular and mechanical pain problems. A gentle approach, osteopathy can benefit many types of aches, pains and strains in people of every age.

How can we help you?

Our experienced osteopaths can carefully assess you and treat you according to what you need. In addition, they can provide a detailed explanation for your pain and offer bespoke advice and exercises to help you to recover more quickly and to help prevent future recurrences of your problem.

Hear from some of our Patients -

“I want to thank you so much for getting me (and my back) standing straight, and mobile again. Your highly skilled treatment makes such a difference to my quality of life. Without you I wouldn't be able to do all the climbing and other activities I enjoy. Many thanks.”

— Ms K, Edinburgh

“Thank you for your competent help at a most crucial time. It was a real turning point for me to be able to understand my condition and make the mental shift towards working constructively with the pain. If I may say so, it is very refreshing to work with someone who is so enthusiastic about his job!”

— Mrs T, Edinburgh

“I just wanted to write and say a big 'thank you' for fitting me into an appointment so quickly after I was having problems with my back. I was grateful for the help you gave me which really made a huge difference in keeping mobile and out of too much pain whilst I was in Edinburgh. Thank you so much again!”

— Mrs A, London

Your expert consultation from specialists who care, in Edinburgh’s Southside